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英语牛津教材2bunit-6教案课题:????? unit 6 eating and drinking?????????????????????????????? 第 1 课时课型:新授教学目标basic aims: a. to learn the word: bowl???????? b. to learn some instructions: e.g. bring me a bowl.developing aims: a. give some new instructions.???????????? b. free talkeducation aims: educate the pupils to be a polite child.教 学 重点、难点、关 键give some instructions and act them out correctly.课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图step-onewarming up: sing a song?step-twopre-task preparation:???? 1、daily talk: ??1)? what do you see/hear?2)? what is it?3)? what colour is it?4)? what can you do?5)? what can (name) do???? 2、play a game: simon says??1)? come here, (name).2)? go there, (name).3)? come back, (name).4)? close the ______, please.5)? open the ______, please.6)? clean the ______, please.step-threewhile-task procedure???? 1、bowl??1)??? instruction: take out a bowl and ask: “ what is it ? ” → it’s a bowl.2)??? read: bowl → it’s a bowl.3)??? ask and answer: ? e.g. what is it? it’s a bowl. ( t --- p? →? p1 --- p2 )??? 2、bring me a bowl.1)? instruction: put a bowl on the desk. ask a pupil to come to the front and ask the pupil: “ bring me a bowl.” (using hand gestures to explain the meaning if necessary.)2)? repeat: bring → bring me → bring me a bowl.3)? say and act:a.? t: (name), bring me a ______.?? p1: ( act. ) here you are.?? t: thank you.p1: (name), bring me a ______.对句子进行扩充,使之成为一段小对话,给内容更富交际性,同时灌输学生待人接物的礼仪。?b.??????? ?课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图??? p2: ( act. ) here you are.?? p1: thank you.???? 3、bring me some milk, too.??repeat step 2 with a different pupil and instead of a bowl, say “bring me some milk, too.”??? 4、give it to kitty.??1)??? instruction: ask a pupil to come to the front and say: “ here’s a bowl. give it to kitty,(name).” (use hand gestures to explain the meaning if necessary.)2)??? repeat: give → give it to → give it to kitty.3)??? say and act:? e.g. ( take out an object.)???????????????? t: give it to (p2), p1.???????????????? p1: ( act. ) here you are.???????????????? p2: thank you. give it to (p4), p3.???????????????? p3: ( act. ) here you are.???????????????? p4: thank you. …?????????? ( then change the objects, repeat this step.)??? 5、listen and repeat: ???? 6、perform the dialogue:??1)? put the pupils into groups of three to practice the dialogue.2)? perform the dialogue.step-fourpost-task activities:???? 1)?? put some things on the desk. revise whether they are countable or uncountable nouns. then let the same groups practice the dialogue again but this time they choose what they want to be brought to them.2)?? select groups to perform the dialogue.step-fivehomework listen and repeat p27 five times.?板书设计????教具准备1、a bowl.2、a bottle of milk.3、some things: (food, stationery, …)课后小结???????????课题:????? unit 6 eating and drinking?????????????????????????????? 第 2 课时课型:新授教学目标basic aims: a. to learn the words: e.g. plate, glass …???????? b. to learn the drills: e.g. four spoons? yes, please. / no, thank you.developing aims: free talk教 学 重点、难点、关 键pronounce the words correctly.make a short dialogue.课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图step-onewarming up: sing a song?step-twopre-task preparation:???? 1、daily talk: ??1)? what do you see/hear?2)? what is it?3)? what colour is it?4)? what can you do?5)? what can (name) do???? 2、listen and act:??1)? come here, (name).2)? go there, (name).3)? come back, (name).4)? close the ______, please.5)? open the ______, please.6)? clean the ______, please.7)? bring me ________.8)? give it to (name).??? 3、pair-work:??(put the picture cards for food and drinks on the board.)e.g. p1: (p2), bring me _________. ?? p2: here you are. (p1), give it to (name).?? p1: here you are.? p3: thank you.?step-threewhile-task procedure:???? 1、plate??1)??? instruction: take out a bowl and ask: “ what is it ? ” → it’s a bowl. then take out a plate and ask: “ is it a bowl?” → no, it’s a plate.2)??? read: plate → it’s a bowl.3)??? ask and answer: ? e.g. what do you see? i see a ___. ( t --- p→p1 --- p2 )4) make a sentence use the word: plate??? 2、glass, fork, knife, spoon?课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图??the teaching method is the same to 2.???? 3、chopsticks??1)? instruction: take out a pair of chopsticks and ask: “ what is it?” → a pair of chopsticks.2)? repeat: chopsticks → a pair of → a pair of chopsticks3)? make some sentences.??? 4、consolidation:通过不同形式的游戏,对单词的音、形、意加以巩固,为下面的表达做准备。?1)? listen, repeat and draw2)? look and say3)? play the game: what is missing?4)? matching game: (picture words --- card words)5)? make a dialogue and act: (let’s act)??? 5、four spoons? yes, please./ no, thank you.??1)?? instruction: take out four spoons and ask: “ how many spoons?” → four spoons. then ask: “ four spoons?” → yes, please./ no, thank you. (use hand gestures to explain the meaning if necessary.)2)?? repeat:? a. four spoons?????????? b. yes, please. / no, thank you.3)?? ask and answer: a. t --- ask?? p --- answer.b. ask the more able pupils to ask and the pupils answer.c. work in pairs: ask and answer.????? 6、listen and repeat?step-fourpost-task activities:???? make a new dialogue and act the dialogue out. demonstrate the dialogue with a pair of more able pupils before the pupils do.step-fivehomework assignment:??listen and repeat p28 & p29 five times.2板书设计????教学具准备1、tableware.2、word cards and picture cards.3、picture cards for food and drinks.?课后小结????????????课题:????? unit 6 eating and drinking?????????????????????????????? 第 3 课时课型:新授教学目标basic aims: a. to learn the drills: what do you want? i want …???????? b. to learn the names and sounds of the letters “ x x”developing aims: free talk教 学 重点、难点、关 键ask and answer: what do you want? i want …课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图step-onewarming up: sing a song?step-twopre-task preparation:???? 1、daily talk: ??1)? what do you see/hear?2)? what is it?3)? what colour is it?4)? what can you do?5)? what can (name) do?6)? four spoons???? 2、listen and act:??1)? come here, (name).2)? go there, (name).3)? come back, (name).4)? close the ______, please.5)? open the ______, please.6)? clean the ______, please.7)? bring me ________.8)? give it to (name).??? 3、play a guessing game: what is it?复习餐具、食物单词,为下面的教学内容做准备。?(if one pupil’s answer is right, stick the picture on the board , then ask a pupil to find out the word card, at last the whole class read the word.)step-threewhile-task procedure:???? 1、x x?? x-ray??1) show the picture and ask: “what is it?” → x-ray2) repeat: x-ray 3) make some sentences.4) ask and answer: what can you see?/ what is it? …5) show the word card “x-ray”, point to the letter “x” and say: “this word begins with the letter ‘x’.” 6) repeat: x → x? /x/ → x-ray7) show the capital letter “x”, let the pupils compare the small letter “x” with the capital letter “x”.课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图??? 2、what do you want? i want …把教学内容放在一个场景中引出,从野餐前餐具的选择,到食物的选择,到最后的野餐,教学形式更贴近生活,加大了新句型的操练密度。?1) introducation: today we will have a picnic. look, we have some tableware. please choose a kind of tableware. kitty, what do you want? ( hold up a mask “kitty” and say to her ‘what do you want, kitty? ) using another voice, say ‘ i want a plate’.2) repeat: want → i want a plate.3) ask and answer: a. t ---- ask? p1 --- answerb. ask some more able pupils ask and the individual pupil answer.c. repeat: what do you want?d. ask and answer one by one.4) now let’s have picnic. what can you see on the table? ( …) please tell me what do you want. i will give you.t: (name), what do you want?p1: i want …t: here you are.p1: thank you. (name), what do you want? p2: …step-fourpost-task activities:???? make a new dialogue and act the dialogue out. demonstrate the dialogue with a pair of more able pupils before the pupils do.step-fivehomework assignment:????? 1、listen and repeat p29 & p30 five times.板书设计????教学具准备1、tableware.2、alphabet cards, word cards and picture cards.3、a mask.4、some food.?课后小结??????????课题:????? unit 6 eating and drinking?????????????????????????????? 第 4 课时课型:新授教学目标basic aims: a. to learn the adjectives: e.g. hungry & thirstydeveloping aims: free talk教 学 重点、难点、关 键1) prononce the words correctly.2) make a dialogue.课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图step-onewarming up: sing a song?step-twopre-task preparation:???? 1、daily talk: ??1)? what do you see/hear?2)? what is it?3)? what colour is it?4)? what can you do?5)? what can (name) do?6)? what do you want?7)? four apples???? 2、listen and act:??1)? come here, (name).2)? go there, (name).3)? come back, (name).4)? close the ______, please.5)? open the ______, please.6)? clean the ______, please.7)? bring me ________.8)? give it to (name).??? 3、role- play: i’m a sales clerk.??demonstrate: hello, i’m a sales clerk. what do you want?step-threewhile-task procedure:???? 1、thirsty1) ask a pupil to ask me: “ what do you want?” i will answer: “ i’m thirsty. (act.) i want some juice.” then the teacher ask: “ (name), are you thirsty? what do you want?” → thirsty2) repeat: thirsty → i’m thirsty.3) free-talk: a. i’m thirsty. i want some milk. how about you?let the pupils say something.?在巩固这一单词时,通过句子和师生间的对话进行,让学生熟悉交谈的形式,为后面的输出降低难度。?b. t: how do you feel?? p1: i’m thirsty / hungry.? t: some …? / what do you want?课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图?? p1: ? t: here you are.? p1: thank you.???? 2、hungry??the teaching method is the same to 1.??? 3、consolidation:??matching game: ??choose an adjective from the words “ hungry” and “ thirsty”, then choose some food or some drinks, then say something like this: “i’m ______. i want _______.”??? 4、listen and repeat: ?step-fourpost-task activities:让学生根据所学内容自编对话,加强学生实际运用的能力。??? make some new dialogues like this:a. p1: i’m thirsty.? p2: what do you want?? p1: i want …? p2: here you are.? p3: thank you.b. p1: i’m thirsty.? p2: some milk?? p1: yes, please. / no, thank you.( first, the teacher and some pupils demonstrate, then the pupils practice in pairs, at last perform.)step-fivehomework assignment:??listen and repeat p28 five times.2板书设计????教学具准备1、tableware.2、word cards.3、picture cards for food and drinks.?课后小结????????????课题:????? unit 6 eating and drinking?????????????????????????????? 第 5 课时课型:新授教学目标basic aims: a. to learn the story: ???????? b. to act the story.developing aims: free talk教 学 重点、难点、关 键role-play the story..make a short story.课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图step-onewarming up: sing a song?step-twopre-task preparation:???? 1、daily talk: ??1)? what do you see/hear?2)? what is it?3)? what colour is it?4)? what can you do?5)? what can (name) do???? 2、listen and act:??1)? come here, (name).2)? go there, (name).3)? come back, (name).4)? close the ______, please.5)? open the ______, please.6)? clean the ______, please.7)? bring me ________.8)? give it to (name).??? 3、matching game:??stick the picture cards for this unit on the board. show the word card for each picture to the class. have them read the word aloud. then put the word cards face down on the desk. once the pupils agree that all the words and pictures match, say them aloud again. pupils repeat one more time.??? 4、free talk: what do you like to eat or drink??step-threewhile-task procedure:???? 1、listen and try to understand:1) listen to the tape twice.2) try to answer some questions:a. is sam hungry?b. is may hungry??通过听录音,回答问题的形式,帮助学生理解和记忆故事内容,同时训练学生?c. does may want a coke?d. does sam want a pizza?e. what does their mother want?课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图?f. do they want some ice-cream?3) open the books and listen again.4) read after the tape one sentence by one sentence.5) get the pupils in groups of four and let them role-play the story.的听力理解能力。step-fourpost-task activities:在故事的改编和角色的扮演中发挥学生的主观能动性和创造性。??? 1、?????? 2、make a new story and act it out.tell pupils to switch roles and that they can change the food/drink items to any other suitable vocabulary they are familiar with.design the menu , make a story and act it out.divide the pupils into some groups. give each group a piece of paper. ask the pupils to make a menu with some food and drinks on it. ask them to draw pictures of the food and drinks. once they have made their menu, let them make a new story according to the menu, practice the story by role-playing . ask some groups to perform their stories.step-fivehomework assignment:??listen and repeat p31 five times.2板书设计????教学具准备1、word cards and picture cards.2、picture cards for food and drinks.3、some paper.?课后小结


at the sports store


1.知识目标:能四会单词need,any,or;理解any,some的用法;能灵活使用句子we need some ping-pong balls. do you have any balls? do you like this t-shirt or that t-shirt? i like this one. do you like these runners or those runners? i want these runners.








class opening and review

1.分给学生不同的球,让学生自己说出i like to play ____. my favourite sport is ____./ i like ____ best.

2. t: what’s this/that?

s: it’s a t-shirt?

t: do you like this t-shirt or that t-shirt?

s: i like this one.

t: what are these/those?

s: they are runners.

t: do you like these runners or those runners?

s: i like/want these runners.


new concepts

1. if i want to play ping-pong,we need some ping-pong balls.say “need”,please.让学生利用need造句。

2. do you have any balls? say “any”,please.讲清some和any的用法,都跟可数名词的复数或不可数名词,如:some/any shorts;some/any soup;some用在肯定句中,any用在否定和问句中,举例说明。


4.听录音两至三遍。同时讲解美元和元的区别。如:one dollar,two dollars;one yuan,two yuan.练习一下如何问多少钱how much is it? how much are they?




class clossing

activity book




lesson2. at the sports store

we need some ping-pong balls.

do you have any balls?



these book this runners some ball

those pencil that t-shirts any soups


1. do you like ______t-shirt or ______t-shirt?

2. do you like ______shorts or ______shorts?

3. we need ______ ping-pong balls. do you have ______ balls?

(any, some, these, those, this, that)















where does daming fly kites?

he flies kites in the park、




a recorder, word cards, pictures



老师发指令,学生做动作,复习运用“on,in,under”。指令内容可以滑稽有趣些,例如:“put your nose on the pencil box、 put your hand on your head、 put your foot on the desk、”老师发出指令后,可以问学生:“where’s your nose? where’s your hend? where’s your foot?”学生做出回答。


老师问学生:“how many seasons are there in a year? what are they?”以此复习表示四季的单词。然后老师将表现四季的图片贴在黑板上,问学生:“what do you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?”老师根据学生的回答继续问:“where do you、、、?”


1、老师问学生:“what does daming do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?”老师播放录音或教学vcd,呈现sb unit2活动1,请学生熟悉课文内容。老师再放录音,出示daming活动的图片,请学生根据录音内容将图片贴在相应的季节图片处。



4、完成sb unit2活动2。老师根据黑板上的图片体温:“where does daming fly kites?”学生回答:“he flies kites in the park、”请学生在小组内针对其他图片进行练习。

5、完成sb unit2活动3。请学生仔细看图和示例,了解题目意图,然后在小组内开展问答练习。


1、学习sb unit2活动4的歌曲。放录音,请学生熟悉曲调和歌词。放朗读歌词的录音,请学生逐句跟读。再放歌曲录音,请学生跟唱。

2、学习sb unit2活动6的字母。老师领读,学生跟读,注意纠正学生的发音。老师板书这些字母的大小写。








学会询问和回答东西是谁的? 学会表示感谢及应答用语。

掌握单词look mine welcome.

熟练运用句型 is this your bag? yes, it’s mine.

thank you. you’re welcome.












t: good morning, class.

s: good morning, teacher

t: how’s the weather?

s: it’s sunny (cold, hot…).


t:change the drills into another one quickly.

s:get ready for the race.

t:show the exercises:

this is your bag.

do you like my coats?

is this her pencil?

yes, it’s his computer.

no, it’s not its food.

s: give the answers:

this is yours.

do you like mine?

is this hers?

yes, it’s his.

no, it’s not its.

三、new lesson:

t: do you want to know whose bag it is?

s: yes, i do.

t: let’s go on to learn lesson three.

s: prepare to learn new lesson.

t: listen to the tape, and then tell me how to

read these words and these drills.

(show the words and the drills on the blackboard.)

s: listen to the tape carefully.

t: who wants to read them?

(look mine welcome)

s: read the words as best as they can

t: who can remember the drills with the word


s: read the drill: look at this.

t: do the action according to my order.

look at the desk (cat…).

s: follow the teacher to do the action.


(人教新版)三年级英语下册教案unit 6 is this your skirt?lesson 34


1. just speak

本课书主要通过创设两个小朋友在房间里玩玩具这样一个情景,让学生在情景中运用所学的语言is that…….并在肯定回答的基础上,学习否定回答no,it isn't。

2. just read


3. let's sing

学唱i can say my abc这首歌,巩固复习教学内容。


1. 准备有关字母yy,zz的卡片以及yacht,yellow,zip,zebra的单词图卡。

2. 准备相关单词的实物或玩具。

3. 课前进行学生作品展览台的布置,将学生绘制的图画和一些手工制品进行展览。


1. 热身/复习(warm-up/revision)

1) 师生之间互致问候。

2) 唱英文歌曲is that your watch?

2. 新课导入(presentation)

1) 出示学生和教师的作品展览,带领第一小组上前来观看,请学生猜一猜哪些是教师的作品,可以由学生提问说is that your skirt?如果的确是教师的作品,教师要回答yes,it is.如果不是教师的作品,教师要说:no,it isn't.然后指着自己的作品介绍说:this is my skirt.以此带出本课书的教学内容。

2) 带领第二小组到前面来参观,这一次由教师询问is that your taxi?由学生做出相应的回答。

3) 教师带领第三小组的学生到前面参观,这一次由在展台前的学生提问台下的学生,方法同上。

4) 教师参与学生第四小组的活动,为新词教学打下埋伏。教师用手指向一个游艇模型说道:wow,look,what an ice yacht.whose is that yacht? a,is that your yacht?学生在听了三遍单词的基础上,能够用先前已有的知识来回答该问题yes,it is.或者是no,it isn't,为了让学生说出yacht一词,教师可以用指令语show me your yacht.学生们此时纷纷拿出自己的作品介绍this is my yacht。

5) 在掌握该单词的基础上可以仍然采用刚才的方法进行操练:is that your

yacht? no,it isn't. this is my yacht巩固复习课文内容。

6) 用同样的方法引出斑马一词。

7) 教师准备一张老虎的图片,拿着图片问学生:what's this?学生回答it's a tiger (第19课学过)。然后教师问what colour is the tiger ?it's yellow and black.can you spell yellow? 出示yellow单词卡拼读该单词。

8) 教师提前准备斑马毛绒玩具,最好是带拉练的那种,为教学zip打下埋伏。

9) 将以上单词的图卡和单词卡片分放两处,进行比赛。比赛规则如下:每组选派一名学生站到讲台前,一位学生负责抢图卡,一位学生负责抢词卡,他们 将同时听到学生发号施令,然后找出对应的图卡和词卡,比一比看谁先正确


10) 出示just speak的教学挂图,教学对话,同时还可以适当增加情景并添加一些语言,如表示大小、颜色等内容的语句。还可以添加let's play together等语句,培养学生们伙伴式的亲密情感。

3. 趣味操练(practice)

1) 教师将uu,vv,ww,,yy,zz的字母卡片握在手中,把学生分成两组,每组各派一名学生参加比赛。当教师出示一张字母卡片时,学生迅速找到含有该字母的单词,谁先找到卡片举起来谁就为获胜者。

2) 将展台上的物品归还小组,以组为单位进行游戏活动。活动形式如下:

a:is that your yacht,b?

b:yes,it is./no,it isn't。

3) 接龙游戏。让学生按顺序朗读二十六个英文字母,注意要比速度,不能停顿。

4) 唱i can say my abc歌曲,可以越唱速度越快,以达到活跃课堂气氛的目的。

4. 课堂评价(assessment)


1) 听录音,根据录音内容把人物和人物所拥有的物品连线,然后仿照录音说句子,女口:kate has a watch,或this is kate's watch。

2) 把字母和代表性图片连线,然后朗读字母和图片代表的单词,如v-vest.

3) 教师提供参考答案,指导学生给小印章涂色,并进行自我评价。

5. 补充活动(additional activities)

1) 听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学的内容。

2) 唱abc歌给爸爸妈妈听。












(一)greeting :


(二)story time:

1、运用故事展开知识点,学习cow pig turkey chick等。





(三)ending :








2、正确掌握音标/v/发音要领,学习并会运用短语have some water ./have some tea.




1、组织教学:let’s count from one to ten.

2、练习单词five 的发音,讲解音标/v/的发音要领并练习/v/的发音.



mary: it’s fine day , it’s fine day .i’ll visit my friend.

(ding-dong, ding-dong.)

alice: who’s it.

mary: it’s me, it’s me. mary.

alice: welcome, welcome. sit down, please!would you like to have some tea?

mary: thank you.

alice: oh, my god. it’s empty. mummy is not in.

mary: no problem. i’ll show you how to make tea.



7、请幼儿品尝冲好的茶,引出短语have some tea. 的学习。


短语have some water ./have some tea.

9、游戏活动:请幼儿分组冲茶,将冲好的茶请客人品尝。练习运用短语have some water ./have some tea.


















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
