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运用过去时态的句子。在句型中操练达到熟悉程度上,培养学生的口语交际能力。 在反馈练习中,培养学生独立分析和解决问题的能力。










2、师生同唱歌曲。 〖设计意图〗通过欢快的歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习的积极性,为后面的任务活动做铺垫。



2、接龙问答。what did you do yesterday?



what did you do yesterday?

s1:you went to the park.

s:you went to the market. s:??

t: es, i went to the supermarket

lease guess, hat did the teacher buy?

s: you bought??。 that is right .you are clever. you want to know whatdid our friends do yesterday? et`s listen.




(2)结合问题来理解课文did you break your toy?//did you see a scary thing?

(3)学习新词 scary break fall


(5) 小组合作学习:总结句子构成方法。 一般过去时疑问句:did +主语+v???

yes, 主语+v。 no,主语+didn’t.


(1) 连词组句 you、 did 、fall see 、a 、you 、did 、scary、 thing i 、yes 、did no 、 did 、i not


五、任务活动。(follow-on activity)


s1:what did you do yesterday?

s2:i went to the zoo. what did you do ?

s1:i played football with my father.




excuse me,thank you,bye-bye,you are welcome,进行礼貌用语的教育。


运用see, buy, go, listen 创编对话。



知识目标:掌握并巩固身体部位的词汇:head, arm,hand,leg,foot 等,以及运用此句型:this is +人称物主代词(his)+名词。






运用简单的句型this is his ……进行描述。区别head和hand.的读音。


card .pictures .tapes . radio


module10 unit 1 this is his head.

this is his head.





step 1:warming up

1. sing a song: stand up.

2. greeting: how are you?


step 2: presentation

activity 1: introduce father christmas, then lead in new words.

t: today is christmas, and father christmas is here. he will give you a christmas presents, guess what it is?(屏幕逐个出示福娃的身体部位,教师引导学生猜)

activity 2: learning new words. (head/leg/foot/arm/hand)

t: /e/:ea, ea; hea, hea,hea; head, head, head, head.

ss: (point to head and say after the teacher.) head.

t: my head. (t and ss do the action together.)

ss: my head.

t: his head.

ss: his head.

同样的方法教arm,hand, leg, foot.

activity 3:guess the right words.

1. 教师出示本课生词卡,引导全班读一遍。

2. 猜词游戏: what’s missing?

activity 4:chant.

two little hands go, clap, clap, clap;

one little foot goes, tap, tap, tap;

two little arms go, up and down;

two little head goes, from side to side.


step 3: practice

activity 1: listen and act. (在小组间进行听音做动作比赛。)

(1)教师发指令 ,学生做动作,如:head/leg/foot/arm/hand.


(3) 指名学生发指令,其余同学做动作并说句子,

s1:point to your head/etc..

ss: this is my head/etc

activity 2: learning new sentences.

请学生介绍手偶和机器人奥特曼。用句型:this is his ____.

[设计意图]:运用listen and act 的游戏来巩固单词,能避免反复跟读让学生产生厌烦的心理,增强学生对单词的记忆;针对小学生注意力不得持续久的特点,设计listen,say and point和介绍奥特曼的方式来操练句型能有力地调动学生的积极性,集中他们的注意力。

step 4: consolidation

task 1: listen to the dialogue

task 2: read the dialogue in text book.


step 5: production

1. 请学生介绍两个人物刘翔和樱桃小丸子。

2. 学生在小组中用英语介绍自己的玩具或朋友。

3. 学生展示并介绍自己玩具。


step 6: summery and assessment




















a、free talk


2.say a rhyme: don’t be late again.

3. listen and do :

close your books , please .

don’t open your books . greetings.

say a rhyme.

listen and do :


1.用祈使句进行会话练习。教师对其中一位同学说:“stand up”这个学生用接力的形式对下一位同学发号2.小组分角色朗读。






c、presentation read and act.




look and read.

学生独立看图,朗读句子。 认读单词、句型。






d、look and read


no smoking. 禁止吸烟

no parking.禁止停车。

no entry 不准入内。

no littering 不准乱扔垃圾 了解图意。




1.listen to the tape two times .

2.copy the words of this unit



1.能初步会听、说、读并拼写单词:a doll, a ball, a cd, a car, a robot

2.能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:what’s this/that?,并会用it’s a 来回答。

3.能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型this is for you./it’s for you.来相互赠与礼物。

4.学会新年节日祝福,礼貌用语。会表达谢意:thank you.



1.能初步会听、说、读并拼写单词: a robot

2.能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:what’s this/that?,并会用it’s a 来回答。

3.能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型this is for you./it’s for you.来相互赠与礼物。


1.能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:what’s this/that?,并会用it’s a 来回答。

能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型this is for you./it’s for you.来相互赠与礼物。




step 1 greeting.

1.课前准备:sing songs and say rhymes

are you mike? nice clothes …

row, row, row your boat…

让学生自己说说学过小诗和歌曲,让学生逐渐进入学习英语的气氛中提示学生说小诗let’s learn。

t: do you like english?

ss: yes, i do.

t: let’s learn english now.


step 2 presentation

1.brain storm(脑筋急转弯)

a. what letter is an animal(动物)? b(bee)

b. what letter is a question? y(why为什么)

c. why are the letter g and letter s in“gloves”close(亲密) to each other(互相,彼此)? because there is love between them !


a. i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!


b. can you can a can as a canner can can a can?



t:let’s have are rest, enjoy a song, please. guess the name.

happy new year!


t:we know chinese new year is coming soon.

let’s learn ‘unit 8 happy new year!’。

教师出示课题:unit 8 happy new year!


4.教授单词a doll ,a cd, a car,a ball

t: on new year day, what can we get from our relatives?(教师解释)

ss: red packet(学生一年级学过),gifts(提醒学生复数)。

t:yes. we can get red packets and gifts.

i have some gifts here. can you read them?

ppt出示:a flower,a chocolate,a red packet

a doll ,a cd, a car(有学生会说toy car),a ball.

说到ball的时候,t(教师出示足球):boys and girls, look.i have a ball. it’s a …

ss:it’s a football.(一年级学过)

t:can you play football?

s: yes, i can./no, i can’t.

出示书本四个单词和图片:a doll ,a cd, a car,a ball,学生拼读。

t:what’s this?

s: it’s a …

5.教授句型:this is for you.

当学生说得好的时候,教师给与贴纸奖励。当教师给奖励的时候,说here you are.,提示学生回答thank you.

ppt: here you are.

thank you.


t:i also can say ‘ this is for you.’

出示句子:this is for you.


t:you can answer me ‘thank you!’。


this is for you

thank you.

6.story time 教学

a.story time 理解

t:we know chinese new year is coming soon.

helen and mike are ready for new year.

who gives helen and mike gifts? let’s enjoy the story now.


教学:uncle john


helen’s gift: a doll

mike’s gift: a ball

tim’s gift: a robot



task 1 :how to greet on new year’s day?

happy new year!

if someone says it to you,you should be polite.you can say ‘happy new year’to him.

task 2 :when you give the gifts ,you should say:

this is for you./it’s for you.

task 3: when you don’t know the things’ name,you can ask:

what’s this/that?

answer:it’s a …


this 说话内容离说话人近


示范:this is __. that is __.

b. read story time



step 3 consolidation

1.fun time

复习what’s this/that?

it’s a …

this is for you./it’s for you.

thank you.


b.take out a paper,try to draw pictures on the paper.guess ‘what’s this/that?’。



western countries’new year’day : the first of january.the children can get gifts.

chinese new year: spring festival. it always comes in february. the children can get red packet.

open the gifts:

western countries:you should open the gifts at once.and you should praise .

china:it’s not polite to open the gifts at once.

the same: you should say ‘thank you.’。

step 4 homework

copy the new words 4 times.

recite story time after class.

3. try to make a gift as a new year present,give it to your father and mother.


unit 8 happy new year!

what’s this? it’s a … a doll a ball a car

what’s that? a cd a robot

this is for you. thank you.


the first period

teaching aims:

1.learn and master the following

(1) words and phrases:

merchant, duke, masterpiece, mercy, enemy, pay back, as well as, after all

(2) everyday english:

correct me if i’m wrong, but …

one of the most important facts is …

as far as i know,…

2.train the students’ listening and speaking abilities

teaching important points

1. improve the students’ listening ability

2. improve the students’ speaking ability and learn some useful phrases as well as everyday english.

teaching difficult points:

1.how to help the students get the general idea of the listening material and find the answers to the listening exercises.

2.how to get the students to finish the task of speaking.

teaching procedures:

step i greeting and lead-in

t: good morning, everyone.

ss: good morning, ms wei.

t: sit down, please. class begin. first, please tell me if you are interested in plays, especially some of the world-famous plays.

ss: yes. (may be no.)

t: there was a great british playwright and poet in the world’s history of literature. he wrote about 37 plays and a large number of poems in his life. here’s a picture of him. do you know who he is ? (teacher shows the picture)

ss: william shakespeare

t: quite right. he lived from 1564 to 1616. he is considered to be the greatest playwright and poet of the renaissance in europe. as a playwright, he wrote tragedies, comedies, historical plays. as a poet, he wrote narrative poems and sonnets. can you follow me?

ss: yes.

t: today, we are going to learn unit 19.the merchant of venice . in the first period of this unit, we’ll learn something more about his plays as well as the merchant of venice. first, let’s learn some new words and phrases.

(teacher shows the screen and deals with them as usual.)

merchant venice bassanio portia antonio shylock pay back ducat masterpiece mercy revenge enemy as far as after all

step ii warming-up

t: well. now please open your books at page 65. look at warming up . look at the pictures and read each quotation one by one. try to understand each one of them. then tell from which plays, of which the titles are below the pictures, they come. work in pairs to prepare for a few minutes.

(a few minutes later)

t: are you ready?

ss: yes.

t: who’d like to have a try? any volunteer?

s1.the first one and the third one are from hamlet; the second one from king henry iv; the fourth one romeo and juliet; the last one troilus and cressida.

t: you did a good job. sit down, please. then what do you think these famous words mean? can you explain them in english?

ss: yes. but not clearly and exactly.

t: so, let me explain them to you. listen carefully and tell which one i am referring to . do you see my point?

ss: a little.

t: no. 1: why must you be the son of my family’s greatest enemy? refuse your family for my love.

ss: “ romeo, romeo, why are you romeo? deny your father, and refuse your name…”

t: no. 2: that is a question whether to live on in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing.

ss: to be or not to be; that is a question.

t: no. 3: it is best not to lend (money) to others and not to borrow from others. when we lend something. we risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person.

ss: neither a borrower nor a lender be.

t: no. 4: a person who has great responsibilities, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.

ss: uneasy lies the lead that wears a crown.

t: no.5: empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.

ss: words, words, only words, no matter from heart.

t: great. however, i still want to suggest you find these plays, from which the quotations come from, to read or watch them if you haven’t before. do you think so?

ss: yes.

t: what other plays of shakespeare do you know?

ss: twelfth night; king lear; othello…

(teacher writes them as well as those talked about just now.)

t: can you explain what they are about ? choose one of them and have a try. any volunteer?

s2; i’d like to talk about othello. othello, a dark-faced moor, serves as a capable general in venice and wins the love of a beautiful , strong-minded girl desdemona, daughter of a senator. her father objects to her secret marriage with the moor, but othello is just then much needed as commander to lead troops to a war with the turks, and so the senator’s protest is overruled by the duke and othello goes to war on the island of cyprus, accompanied by his new bride. after their arrival there, the turks have already met with destruction in a sea storm and the war is over, but one of the officers under othello hates the general for placing another man above him and therefore tries to destroy the moor’s happiness by convincing him of desdemona’s illicit relations with the man above him. ….

t: anybody else?

step iii listening

t: well done. we’ve talked much about shakespeare and his plays. next, let’s listen to the introduction to the merchant of venice, the most outstanding romantic comedy. it will tell us how the story takes place and helps us learn about the main characters in it. can you follow me?

ss: yes.

t: ok. now, please look at the listening part at page 66. first, read through the questions in exercise 1. then listen to the tape to find the answers.

(teacher allows the students a few minutes to prepare, and then plays the tape. after that, teacher checks the answers.)

step iv speaking

t: up to now, we’ve learnt much about shakespeare and his plays. can you tell me what makes his play a masterpiece, xiao a?

a: sorry, i don’t know.

t: it doesn’t matter. the idea behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.

t: can you give some examples shown in the merchant of venice?

ss: mercy versus revenge and love versus money.

t: quite right. now, please read the two situations in speaking first. then find examples for each one in modern life and work in pairs to discuss whether it is right or wrong. are you clear about that? and behind the situation , there are some useful expressions. study them first, then use them in your dialogue if possible. do you remember?

(the students begin to work. teacher goes among them to see how they are going on with the work. a few minutes later, teacher asks some pairs to act out before class.)

step v. summary and homework

t: in this class, we’ve mainly talked about shakespeare and his plays. while we were doing each task, we’ve learnt some useful expressions, such as pay back, as far as, after all. after class, i hope you can practise using them again. besides, remember to preview the reading part in this unit. so much for today. goodbye.

the second period

teaching aims:

1. learn and master the following

(1) words: weakness, greatness, judgement, gentleman, troublesome, gentle, bless, surgeon, declare, court

(2) phrases: tear up, have mercy on, offer up, be seated

2. train the students’ reading ability

3. learn to recount detail in conversation

teaching important points:

1. useful words and phrases

2. 2. improve the students’ reading ability.

teaching difficult points:

help the students understand the play exactly, especially the following sentences.

1. you might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.

2. i offer you ten times the money that antonio has borrowed.

teaching procedures:

step i greetings

step ii revision and pre-reading

t: yesterday, we learned a lot about eilliam shakespeare and his plays. who’d like to tell the titles of his four great tragedies?

ss: hamlet, othello, king lear, macbeth.

t: and he also wrote some romantic comedies. which is the most outstanding one?

ss: the merchant of venice.

t: tell the names of the main characters in the play.

ss: shylock, antonio, bassanio, duke, portia.

t: well. now look at the screen and match the people in column a with the instructions in column b.

1. antonio a. the magnifico

2. shylock b. a merchant

3.bassanio c. antonio’s friend

4. portia d. a moneylender

5.duke e. bassanio’s wife

t: after portia knows that antonio has to give shylock a pound of his flesh, she thinks up a plan to save antonio. what do you think portia will do to save antonio?

s: i think she will give shylock much more money than what antonio borrowed from him.

t: will shylock accept her money?

s: maybe. he is greedy.

t: it sounds reasonable. is there anyone who has a different opinion?

s: i think she will try to persuade shylock to show mercy to antonio.

t: will she succeed? don’t forget he is cruel and he hated antonio. who has read this play? tell us what portia does to save antonio?

s: she pretends to be a judge and arrives at the court of the duke.

t: thank you. sit down, please. today, we’re going to read this play, the merchant of venice. after reading it, we’ll know what happened in the court. first, let’s learn some new words and expressions. read the new words on page 176.

step iii reading

t: well. now please turn to page 67.read the play quickly and find out what she does when she arrives at the court. you can begin to read it now.

(after a few minutes, teacher checks the answer.)

t: ok. everyone, i think you must have found the answer. who’d like to tell me?

s: she tries to persuade shylock to show mercy to antonio and accept the money offered by bassanio.

t: does she succeed?

s: she has to allow shylock to take his pound of flesh from antonio’s breast.

t: thank you. sit down, please. do you agree with him her?

ss: yes.

t: well done. you’ve understood it well. now please read it carefully again and further understand it. at the same time, find out all the useful phrases. a few minutes later, i’ll collect them from you.

(after a few minutes, teacher collects and writes them on the blackboard. after that, teacher deals with some language problems.)

t: look at the blackboard, please. all these phrases are important and useful. you must remember them and try to use them. do you remember?

ss: yes.

t: besides, there are some other language points which are useful but difficult to understand . i’ll explain them to you. look at the screen.

(teacher shows the screen and explains to the students.)

1. may/might as well do sth.

eg. since nobody else wants the job, we might as well let him have it.

all the pubs are closing. we may as well go home.

2. if you offered me, …, i would still take ….

(note: if=even if)

eg.if she is poor, she’s honest at least.

if the sun were to rise in the west, i would not break my word.

3. be seated

eg. he then asked me to be seated.

she seated herself on the sofa.

she saw a few people seated on the bench at the back of the sofa.

4. …how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none/

5. (note: when=if)

eg. i’ll come when i’m needed.

she’ll be able to give you help when necessary.

6. i offer ten times the money that antonio has borrow.

eg. the new building is four times the size of the old one.

the street is three times the length of that one.

the room is twice the size of that one.

(=the room is as twice large as that one.)

7. pay back

eg. have you paid (me) back the money you owe me yet?

i’ll pay him back for the trick he played on me.

rose doesn’t know how to pay him back for his help.

step iv. listening and reading aloud

t: ok. now i’ll play the tape of the text. first, listen and follow. then, listen and repeat. meanwhile, pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. is everything clear?

ss: yes.

(teacher begins to play the tape. a few minutes later, teacher deals with the next part.)

step v post-reading

t: now, you must have understood the play more exactly. let’s have a discussion about it please turn to page 69. look at the questions in post-reading and work in groups of four to discuss them. after a while, i’ll ask some of you to report to the rest of the class. begin to work now.

suggested answers:

1. she is clever and learned.

2. he is cruel.

3. shylock hated antonio because antonio had many times scolded him publicly for being greedy and cruel.

4. (a) literally, with the heart which he shall cut out of my body; (b) metaphorically, whole-heartedly, willingly.

① usually, things are weighed with a balance.

weighs go into the left scale and things go into the right scale.

②she wants to remind shylock that he must cut exactly a pound of flesh from antonio, no more, no less.

③the deeper meaning of the balance is justice.

in portia’s court of law, morals are weighed.

5. duke speaks to antonio.

shylock speaks to duke.

bassanio speaks to antonio

portia speaks to bassanio

step vi summary and homework

t: in this class, we have mainly read the first part of the merchant of venice. while reading it, we’ve also learned some useful words and expressions and sentences. after class, read the text again and revise what we’ve learnt in this class. that’s all for today. see you.

ss: see you.

the third period

teaching aims:

1. learn and master the following words and phrases:

justice, murder, go down on knees, punishment, immediately, order, sword, conflict, complex

2. train the students’ reading ability.

teaching important points:

help the students understand the text exactly and master the following words and phrases: shall , at the mercy of , go down on one’s knees

teaching difficult point:

how to help the students write a play.

teaching procedures:

step i greetings

greet the students as usual.

step ii revision and lead-in

t: yesterday, we read the first part of the merchant of venice. antonio’s trial was taking place at the court. do you still remember what happened at the court? xiaoa , could you please retell the story in the first part?

sa: yes. at the court, the duke tried hard to persuade shylock to have mercy on antonio, but shylock insisted on having a pound of his flesh. even if bassanio would pay him double the money antonio had borrowed, shylock would not change his mind. while the duke was wondering what to do, portia arrived , pretending to be a famous lawyer. at first, portia also tried to persuade shylock to have mercy on antonio and take more than three times his money. but shylock still refused to give up his demand for a pound of flesh from antonio , so portia said he might take his knife to prepare to do the deed.

t: well done. sit down, please. will shylock get his pound of flesh? let’s go back to the court. first, listen to the tape of the second part of the play. try to find out the second part of the play. try to find out what will happen to antonio and shylock a last. begin to listen.

sb answer: shylock will not get antonio’s flesh. he has to give half of his money to the city of venice and promise to leave the other half of his money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.

t: is that right?

ss: yes.

t: ok. now let’s learn the new words. then read the play.

justice, murder, go down on one’s knees, punishment, immediately, order, sword, conflict, complex, tragedy.

step iii reading

t: now, please open your books at page 71. read the second part of the play carefully and find out the answers to the questions on the screen.

1. how does portia stop shylock from cutting antonio’s flesh?

2. what does portia say when shylock finally agrees to take three times more than antonio borrowed from him?

3. what is the result of the trial? does the story have a happy ending?

suggested answers:

1. portia allows shylock to take exactly one pound of flesh from antonio, no more, no less. she also tells shylock that he must not let one drop of his blood fall. so shylock gives in.

2. she says that shylock must give half of his money to antonio and the other half to the city of venice according to the law.

3. antonio is saved. shylock gets punished. the story has a happy ending.

step iv. language points.

1. at the mercy of

2. go down on one’s knees

3. beg…for

step v writing

t: well, we’ve read the merchant of venice. it has a happy ending. can you tell me whether it is a tragedy or a comedy?

ss: comedy.

t: why do you think it is a comedy?

ss: because the good wins, and the bad loses.

t: you are right. now, please turn to page 72 and look at the tips of getting the main point of a play.

(teacher and the students read through the tips and writes some key words on the blackboard. after that, teacher says the following.)

t: today, another trial took place between two women. they are arguing about a baby. how did the story occur? and what would they do? please read the passage in writing at page 71 and find out who wins the trial, the good or the bad? you can begin now.

(after the students finish reading the passage. teacher checks the answer.)

t: ok. everyone, have you found out the answer? who wins?

ss: yes. the good wins.

t: quite right. now, please work in groups of four or five to write a short play based on this story. give names to the king, the two mothers and the children. there is also a character to play the role of the soldier. if you like, you can also have a few other characters who are friends of the two mothers. can you follow me?

ss: yes.

t: besides, find a good title for your play. do you remember?

ss: yes.

t: ok. begin to prepare now. five minutes later, i’ll ask one group to act out your play before the class.

a sample play:

clever king charles


sarah (sa): the woman whose baby is living

deborah (d): the woman whose baby is dead

charles(c): the king

emma (e): a friend of the two women

simon (s): a soldier of the king

(inside king charles’ palace)

c: what is your quarrel?

sa: o king! i have a baby. and deborah has a baby. one baby is dead. the dead baby looks like deborah’s baby. i think deborah took my baby when her baby died.

d: o king! sarah is angry because her baby is dead. she came to see my baby. when she saw my baby she wanted it because her baby is dead.

e: o king! i saw the two babies. i think the dead baby is deborah’s baby. i think deborah took sarah’s baby in the night, when sarah was asleep.

c: call the swordsman. tell him to bring his sword.

(a man comes in. he has a big sword in his hand.)

s: o king! here is the swordsman.

c: bring the baby here. (a servant takes deborah’s baby and brings it to the king.) i am a just king. i do not know whose baby this is, i do not know if this is deborah’s baby. but i must be just to each of you. i will take this baby and cut it into two halves. then sarah can have half of the baby, and deborah can have half.

d: yes, yes, the king is a good king. cut the baby in halves.

sa: but the baby will die!

c: yes, the baby will die. but you shall each have one half of the baby. so you will not quarrel any more.

sa: o king! save my baby. do not cut the baby. give the baby to deborah. let the baby live.

c: give the baby to sarah. sarah wants the baby to live. so i know that sarah is the mother. deborah is a bad woman. she took deborah away.

(two men took deborah away.)

e: the king is a just king. o good king charles! clever king charles!

step vi summary and homework

t: in this class, we read the second part of the merchant of venice and learned to write a play. by doing this, we’ve learned some useful words and phrases, and our skill in using language has be well developed. after class, practise more and revise what we’ve learnt in class. that’s all for today. see you next time.

ss: see you next time.


一. 教学内容与分析:

1. let's ae.


2. let's sing.



1. 教师准备一个摇摇乐的成品,两个纸杯,一些透明胶纸,一些米,各色彩笔。

2. 学生每人准备两个纸杯,一些透明胶纸,一些米,各色彩笔。

3. 教师准备一月一日的日历。


1. 热身/ 复习(war-up/revisin)

(1) 教师让学生听happ new ear的歌曲,并让他们跟着节奏拍手。

(2) 学生间进行日常对话。

(3) 将学生分两组,一边拍手,一边说第二课时学的歌谣。

2. 新课展示(presentatin)

(1) 教师举起制作好的摇摇乐说:this is a shaer.重复:a shaer。然后指着制作的工具说:let's ae a shaer.

(2) 教师按照课本上呈现的制作程序,一边用英语讲解,一边呈现给学生。

(3) 教师使用一月一日的日历教:new ear。

3. 趣味操练(practice)

(1) 请学生拿出他们事先准备的材料,指导学生按步骤进行摇摇乐的制作。每句话中的第一个动词都是教师要强调的部分,一定要配合手势,帮助学生理解和记忆。教师可适当给学生充分的时间,让学生用颜色笔将摇摇乐画得更漂亮些。

(2) 让学生跟随录音一起学唱歌曲happ new ear,可在唱歌时打出相应的节拍。也可将全班分成两组,二重唱,或分男女二重唱。

4. 课堂评价(assessent)


5. 课外活动(add-activities)



一 、内容与目标:















































    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
